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Catholics for Choice and IVF

February 20, 2025

On February 20, 2025, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops released a statement claiming that IVF “destroys human life.” Once again, the bishops have made it clear that they are out of touch with Catholics trying to grow their families. Access to healthcare like IVF is particularly essential for LGBTQIA+ people as they determine their reproductive futures.

At Catholics for Choice, we affirm all individuals’ abilities to make conscience-based decisions about their bodies, lives, and futures. Conscience is a core tenet of our faith, and if someone’s conscience leads them to pursue parenthood through IVF, we support them in that journey. We are in solidarity with all people using IVF to bring new life into the world.

Read our official statement from CFC’s Christopher Wimbush and Maddy Niziolek here and below.

Catholics for Choice Statement on USCCB’s Attack on IVF

On February 16, 2024, the Alabama Supreme Court ruled that frozen embryos were considered “children” under the state constitution. In his concurring opinion, Chief Justice Tom Parker cited the Bible and warned against “the wrath of a holy God.” This is a perilous example of Christian Nationalism overreaching into civil law. But as we know with IVF and all matters of reproductive rights, the biggest threat is not just posed by Evangelicals.

Activist judges like Justice Parker have been deeply influenced by the Catholic theological idea that “life begins at conception.” But the beliefs of one particular religious group should not determine what kind of medical care is available in the United States — a country where we are guaranteed the constitutional right to the separation of church and state.

Real Catholics are relying on IVF to grow their families every day. Two Catholic couples — one who used IVF more than 20 years ago and one who is currently pregnant with their first child, conceived through IVF — were able to share their views with NPR’s Jason DeRose.

Click here to read their moving stories and hear more about our opposition to the church’s stance on IVF.

NPR: Despite church prohibitions, Catholics still choose IVF to have children

Catholics for Choice has collected dozens of stories from pro-choice Catholics, former Catholics, and allies over the years. Thank you to Scott N., who shared his story with us in 2024. You can read Scott’s story here.

"I know the Vatican’s views on abortion and IVF. My wife and I did not come to the decision lightly. We don’t need any more shaming."

Read Scott's Story

Thank you to all the former and practicing Catholics who have shared their stories regarding IVF. Speaking your truth is powerful and encourages others to do the same.

If you are a Catholic (or former Catholic) who has used IVF, please consider sharing your story.

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