Insights & Resources
Cualquiera que sea la decisión sobre tu salud y tu embarazo, ten por seguro que es la decisión correcta para ti. Si estás en este proceso o apoyas...
Download this two-pack of pro-choice prayer cards: One for St. Brigid, the patron saint of fertility and children, who performed a miracle by causi...
Muchas veces creemos que interrumpir voluntariamente un embarazo o acompañar a alguien durante su decisión es un proceso solitario por el estigma s...
Catholic social teaching is clear: Every person has a distinct right and responsibility to participate in community and pursue the common good. If ...
Catholics for Choice’s You Are Not Alone brochure affirms and supports all Catholics who have decided to have an abortion. This resource includes a...
Conscience’s managing editor Kate Hoeting sat down with Reproaction’s chief research analyst Kieran Mailman to talk about their self-managed aborti...
Abortion is common — outside and inside the church. It’s part of how Catholics build their families and protect their own dignity. In these stories...
Nonfiction “Choice Words: Writers on Abortion” Edited by Annie Finch Published by Haymarket Books, 2020, 420 pages, $14.48 Featuring co...
As someone who has written publicly about my experience of abortion, I deeply appreciate Katey Zeh’s approach in “A Complicated Choice: Making Spac...
The sisters and nuns of my youth were white. Even at our family church, I had never seen a Black sister. I was named for my family member Sister Ma...
As a queer Latina raised in a Catholic household in Mexico, I often found myself questioning what to believe — my family’s faith or my belief in re...
As a Catholic college student, Kenya Martin spent her last $20 on a pregnancy test. “The bathroom felt like a confessional,” she writes in the most...
Researchers haven’t published enough scholarship on religious people who have abortions. Rebecca Todd Peters, professor of religious studies at Elo...
"Prestadores de Fe" es un publicación de Catholics for Choice que incluye historias y reflexiones de personas al frente de la atención del aborto.
Nos complace presentar "¿Qué pasa en Catholics for Choice?"; una nueva columna que presenta a algunas de las personas que trabajan en Catholics for...
La obstetra-ginecóloga Maryam Guiahi escribe sobre un paciente quien ella no puede atender, mostrando que los servicios de salud Católicos perjudic...
OB-GYN Maryam Guiahi tells the story of a patient whom she could not serve, showing that this discriminatory system disproportionately hurts Black ...
Medical sociologist Lori Freedman walks through the limitations of the U.S. bishops’ “Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care," w...