Pro-Choice Catholic Testimony
“I will fight until my last breath for choice. My Catholic upbringing and education call me to.”
“For 13 years I have volunteered as a clinic escort. I put my body on the line as a buffer zone to protect women seeking legal healthcare from those strangers who insist she should not have that choice. The protesters are increasingly violent and cruel. I will absorb the judgements and insults and lies they hurl at me, but I WILL NOT allow them to add to whatever burdens an arriving patient carries. Their lies, their condemnations, their vile graphic signs, their shouts of hurtful words, their weaponizing the Bible — it does not come from a place of love or Christianity. Jesus would weep to see this behavior. Do not for a minute think that protesters are sweet old grandmas praying silently. It is a battle zone out there.
I will fight until my last breath for choice. My Catholic upbringing and education call me to do that.
I know that women are full, equal humans of intelligence, autonomy, conscience, faith, potential, and deserving full human rights. Being a mother is a Big Deal… every child should be wanted and able to be raised in a stable, healthy, loving, nurturing environment. Pregnancy is a Big Deal. Not all bodies are able to safely carry a pregnancy. Not all pregnancies proceed in a safe and healthy way. Abortion is the only chosen option to pregnancy.”