Our Theory of Change
Our Mission
Catholics for Choice — which serves the pro-choice Catholic majority — encounters, educates, and emboldens people of faith who support reproductive freedom.
Catholics for Choice believes healthcare is a human right and that includes access to abortion.
Our faith calls us to affirm reproductive and religious freedom as essential to Catholic social justice.
Our Core Values
We find God in all things and all people, acknowledging every person’s dignity, identity, background, and experiences.
We uphold the principles of Catholic social justice, especially the call to participate in public life and the preferential option for people who are marginalized.
We honor the work of the reproductive justice movement, building collaboratively and acting in solidarity with those most affected by systemic oppression.
We practice radical empathy and genuine understanding, meeting people where they are and joining them on their journey for justice.
We believe in the inherent ability of individuals to listen to their consciences and make thoughtful decisions about their bodies and lives.
We defy fear, taking healthy and generative risks in the name of justice and truth.
We act boldly and unapologetically to challenge the status quo and claim our rightful authority.
We strive to dismantle the sinful structures of oppression and build a society where everyone has equal power and freedom to exercise their fundamental rights.
Our Theory of Change
Catholics for Choice encounters, educates, and emboldens people of faith who support reproductive freedom
Advocates are equipped to speak out about Catholic social justice values and insist upon necessary systemic change
& Then
Christian nationalism and white supremacy are eradicated in the US and abroad. All people of faith — not just the hierarchy — are respected as legitimate interpreters of religious teaching. Religious freedom, bodily autonomy, and gender equality are not up for debate in the halls of power. Abortion is legal, easily accessible, and safe for all.
& Finally
All people everywhere can freely determine their sexual and reproductive destinies with dignity, respect, and affirmation.