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Press Release
May. 28, 2021
Catholics for Choice Applauds President Biden for Omitting Hyde Amendment from Budget Proposal
In the News
May. 27, 2021
La lucha en contra de los derechos reproductivos de la Iglesia Católica se trata de controlar la libertad de las mujeres.
Press Release
May. 20, 2021
Catholics for Choice anuncia oposición a las leyes de involucramiento de padres y madres de la persona embarazada en su decisión sobre el
Press Release
May. 19, 2021
Catholics for Choice Announces Opposition to Parental Involvement Abortion Laws
Press Release
Apr. 28, 2021
Catholics for Choice Condemns U.S. Bishops for Attacking Biden on Abortion
Press Release
Apr. 15, 2021
Catholics for Choice Applauds Biden Administration for Moving to End the Title X Gag Rule
Press Release
Apr. 14, 2021
Catholics for Choice Denounces Racist Policing After the Murder of Daunte Wright & Violent Harassment of Caron Nazario
Press Release
Apr. 6, 2021
Catholics for Choice Praises Catholic Bishops for Trans-Affirming Statement
In the News
Apr. 1, 2021
The Catholic case for the Reproductive Freedom Act | Opinion: Gaby Garcia Vera
Press Release
Apr. 1, 2021