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Press Release Nov. 28, 2005

Leaders of Religious, Women’s Rights and Human Rights Groups Call on European Parliament to Repudiate Extremist Exhibit Abusing Memory of Shoah Victims

Press Release Nov. 22, 2005

New Vatican Document on Gays in Priesthood Another Sad Moment for Church, Human Rights

Press Release Nov. 18, 2005

Catholic Health Care Industry Betrays Women, Latinos and Public Trust: National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health and Catholics for a Free Choice Call for Immediate Reforms

Press Release Sep. 8, 2005

Release of International Religious Leaders’ Statement on MDGs and Reproductive Health Provokes Vatican Attempt to Silence Catholic Signers

Press Release Sep. 5, 2005

Statement of Catholics for a Free Choice Europe Regarding the European Parliament’s September 5 Debate on Dialogue Between the Commission and Churches and Non-Confessional Organizations

Press Release Aug. 19, 2005

Condoms4Life Message an Outstanding Success at Catholic World Youth Day: “Good Catholics Use Condoms” Resonates with Pilgrims, Nuns and Clergy

Press Release Aug. 15, 2005

International Youth Coalition Calls on Pope to Lift Ban on Condoms

Press Release Aug. 9, 2005

Good Catholics Use Condoms

Press Release Jul. 20, 2005

Faithful Catholics Hold Diverse Views; Supreme Court Must Protect Right of Individuals to Hold and Practice Differing Beliefs

Press Release Jul. 8, 2005

Prochoice Catholic Senators and Supreme Court Vacancies: Problems with the Vatican Working Document on the Eucharist